one of the most unexplained ancient artifacts ever discovered. After much research, it was found to be a genuine map drawn by ...
While archaeologists can search their entire lives for ancient artifacts ... New sites and artifacts are found all the time, revealing forgotten secrets of the past. A man searching for World ...
Egyptologist Bob Brier published letters revealing new evidence of accusations against Carter regarding possible looting.
For the first time, visitors will see ancient artifacts from the Griffin Warrior Tomb, during an exhibition in Greece ...
Researchers have found a "unique" collection of "cave pearls"—some of which contain archaeological artifacts—in an ancient tunnel ... representing the first time scientists have documented ...
An archaeological excavation in Greece has revealed the remains of an ancient monumental building replete with marble lion sculptures and intriguing gold artifacts, among other finds. The dig ...
Archaeologists recently discovered unusual artifacts during an excavation ... of graves dating back to Greek and Roman times, as well as an ancient Catholic basilica and the Temple of the Osireion.
The findings include hundreds of ancient coins portraying the queen of Egypt, a marble statue, and ceremonial vessels.
Researchers believe they have found the site where Alexander the Great's troops fought the Battle of the Granicus.
"Some experts speculate that ancient Chinese in the area regarded ... Some of the more than 5,000-year-old jade artifacts appear almost like "time travelers," displaying a striking modern aesthetic.
Vanguard of Civilization: Jade Artifacts From the Lingjiatan Culture will run through March 16 and display about 400 ...
For over 3,000 years, ancient Egypt was one of the most powerful civilizations on Earth, with an empire stretching across half a dozen modern-day countries. How much do you know about this iconic ...