If yours were only recently grown from cuttings, you may need to wait a few years before they are mature enough to put on a ...
No, it is not a mistake, and the plant is not confused. The explanation is remontant flowering. Remontant may be a word you ...
It’s December in Los Angeles, but if you just arrived here from Chicago or New York and have never been here before, you may be in shock when witnessing certain plants in full bloom. I saw some ...
Our Southern fall and winter landscapes come alive with the beautiful flowers of sasanqua camellias as their vibrant blooms ...
In spring, give potted plants a jump start on the growing season by moving them to a sunny room with night temperatures ...
It’s a rangy plant that can grow six feet or taller and has a flower color that combines pink, magenta, and a dash of purple. It blooms from summer through fall and beyond. Cut it back to keep ...