At the beginning of the show, a falconer brings out a trained peregrine falcon, which flies around the arena. We spoke to Bill Ponder, a falconer at the Lyndhurst, NJ location of Medieval Times ...
The parting shot of Chief Mediator Kofi Annan as he left last week resonates with Yeat’s poem, The falcon cannot hear the falconer; Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold. After his three-day ...
This is the moment an experienced falconer attached a GoPro to a saker falcon as he trained it in Alsace, France on November ...
At the beginning of the show, a falconer brings out a trained peregrine falcon, which flies around the arena. We spoke to Bill Ponder, a falconer at the Lyndhurst, NJ location of Medieval Times ...
On these pages you will find a variety of activities designed to help you use "A Falconer's Memoir" and other resources in the classroom. Viewing of "A Falconer's Memoir" with your students may be ...
Jamestown’s Ayden Samuelson sprints to first place in the 100-meter dash at the Golden Falcon Track & Field Invitational at Bill Race Field on Friday. P-J photo by Tim Frank FALCONER — Four double ...
Trust built over time has led to a special relationship between a local falconer and her peregrine falcon. “To her, I was a scary potential threat,” Dana Green said in an interview at the ...