If you are going to ask, ask straight away, as soon as you’ve heard the word you can’t fathom. Too often I have waited until my lingering puzzlement over a word has distracted me from properly hearing ...
On March 4, we let our inner nerd out for National Grammar Day! The day was established in 2008 by Martha Brockenbrough, the ...
The Ukrainian word "suka" — like the English word "b****" — means "female dog," and can also be a general expletive.
Not words in a typical teen’s vocabulary, but all come easily to Pakistani prodigy Bilal Asher, world under-14 Scrabble ...
According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the word truculent comes from the Latin word trux, meaning “savage” or “fierce.” ...
Today’s word of the day will introduce you to a term that beautifully captures the essence of soft, whispering sounds. (Also ...
Shashi Tharoor credits his extensive vocabulary to a lifelong habit of reading. He emphasizes that reading widely and in ...
According to the Oxford Learner’s Dictionary, persnickety means “worrying too much about details that are not important.” Meanwhile, the Cambridge Dictionary defines it as “giving too much attention ...