Leave the moral high grounds, modern-age Afrika needs trade and investments instead, offering not only energy. raw materials ...
A former Soviet intelligence officer has claimed Donald Trump was recruited by the KGB in 1987 and given the codename “Krasnov”. The bombshell allegation was made by Alnur Mussayev ...
A former senior Soviet KGB spy chief has claimed that Donald Trump was recruited as a spy by Russian intelligence as early as 38 years ago by his department, and given the codename ‘Krasnov’. Russia’s ...
Milhares de famílias do Vale do Paraíba têm direito a economizar até 65% na conta de energia, mas não estão utilizando o benefício. Relatório recente da EDP, distribuidora de energia elétrica da ...
Confidently rolling toward Ukrainian lines in western Russia’s Kursk Oblast in up-armored vehicles brazenly flying the flag of the defunct Soviet Union, an assault group from the Russian 155th ...
"This directly aims to restore Soviet-era spheres of influence, push us [Estonia] into a buffer zone, and call into question the entire European security framework," he noted. Tsahkna also indirectly ...
"A Ucrânia já o fez em 2022 e, agora, os Estados Bálticos libertaram-se finalmente desta dependência. Moscovo já não pode utilizar a energia como uma arma contra eles. Isto também significa que a ...
Estonia, along with fellow Baltic states Latvia and Lithuania, is counting down the days to finally ridding itself of one of the last vestiges of 50 years of Soviet occupation: an electricity grid ...
MOSCOW, Feb 4 (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered a revival of the Soviet answer to the Eurovision Song Contest in an effort to counter what he says is the decadence of modern ...
After it was rejected for the Soviet lunar program ... the Polyus spacecraft was launched on the maiden flight of the Energia rocket. Polyus was an orbital laser weapon capable of destroying ...