Leave the moral high grounds, modern-age Afrika needs trade and investments instead, offering not only energy. raw materials ...
A former Soviet intelligence officer has claimed Donald Trump was recruited by the KGB in 1987 and given the codename “Krasnov”. The bombshell allegation was made by Alnur Mussayev ...
A former senior Soviet KGB spy chief has claimed that Donald Trump was recruited as a spy by Russian intelligence as early as 38 years ago by his department, and given the codename ‘Krasnov’. Russia’s ...
Milhares de famílias do Vale do Paraíba têm direito a economizar até 65% na conta de energia, mas não estão utilizando o benefício. Relatório recente da EDP, distribuidora de energia elétrica da ...
Confidently rolling toward Ukrainian lines in western Russia’s Kursk Oblast in up-armored vehicles brazenly flying the flag of the defunct Soviet Union, an assault group from the Russian 155th ...
"This directly aims to restore Soviet-era spheres of influence, push us [Estonia] into a buffer zone, and call into question the entire European security framework," he noted. Tsahkna also indirectly ...
"A Ucrânia já o fez em 2022 e, agora, os Estados Bálticos libertaram-se finalmente desta dependência. Moscovo já não pode utilizar a energia como uma arma contra eles. Isto também significa que a ...