El Barça es juga l'oportunitat de deixar ben encaminada la classificació a la final de la Copa davant de l'Atlètic de Madrid ...
L'exdirector esportiu de l'Athletic Club i comentarista del Carrusel Deportivo, ha passat avui pel 'Què T'hi Jugues' per elogiar el gran rendiment del central del Barça | Cadena SER ...
Tranquils, la meva passió pel futbol està intacta i ja poden venir partits, que veient com juga aquest Barça de Flick no em cansaré de gaudir-ne tant com pugui. Però ...
In January 2015, a seven-year-old boy was making waves at CF La Torreta, a small club based in La Roca del Valles, Barcelona. Born in July 2007, his talent on the pitch was already impossible to ...
FC Barcelona rejected a transfer offer for one ... there weren’t expected to be any transfers either ingoing or outgoing until the club successfully managed to return to the 1:1 rule under ...
Xavi Hernández could take over the helm of a European giant after a challenging season.
ByTom Sanderson, Senior Contributor. Tom Sanderson is a Barcelona-based writer who covers Spanish football.
El Girona està buscant reforços per a la pròxima temporada i ha posat la seva mirada a Ansu Fati. Malgrat que l'equip dirigit ...
Sevilla FC is the oldest Spanish club and ... Sevilla is the best club of Andalusia and is therefore nicknamed “El Grande de Andalucía” Juan Arza is Sevilla’s all-time top goal scorer.
In this simulation, Premier League leaders Liverpool have avoided a tie with Paris Saint-Germain - who put 10 past Brest over ...
Javier Mascherano faces a tall task as Inter Miami's new coach. Luckily, he has old friends Lionel Messi, Luis Suarez, Sergio Busquets and Jordi Alba.