Of all the input devices, the keyboard is the greatest. This comes at a cost, though: there were times back in the Before Days, when video and music editing applications came with custom keyboards.
Using the keyboard macro recorder, you can create macros that record and play back program editing commands. Abbreviations let you create shortcuts for entering text. Bookmarking lines allows easy ...
Story by Jacob Shamsian and editing by Carl Mueller. More from Tech Tsubasa Yumura, a computer science researcher in Japan, rigged up a keyboard that looks like it launches letters into the ...
Key bindings are nothing but keyboard shortcuts on Windows Terminal. If you want to change a default keyboard shortcut with your own keyboard shortcut, you can do so. The only way to change ...
Couple that with editing software that crashes ... [Makestreme] has some great instructions over on IO. Folding Keyboard Working After Five Hours of Debugging Wishing for something compact ...