Beachgoers were shocked to discover an oarfish — a creature whose appearance, according to folklore, can be a good omen or a ...
said the sightings of the deep-sea creatures are probably coincidental, and that it would take the fish washing up in far greater numbers to signal broader distress in the ocean or among the ...
“It may have to do with changes in ocean conditions and increased numbers of oarfish off our coast,” Frable said. “Many researchers have suggested this as to why deep-water fish strand on beache ...
Researchers studied the annual mass deaths of pink amphipods in Eilat. Climate change and disease were ruled out.
On a sunlit beach in Lanzarote, Canary Islands, a silvery ribbon of a fish washed ashore on February 10, 2025, catching the ...
Fishermen rarely found any use for the deep-sea fish when they landed up in their ... who operates the restaurant. “A number of my customers are regulars from Tokyo and other areas of the ...
The species with “triangle” features and dense scales was believed to have existed in only one waterway in the Yunnan Province, researchers said.
A possible vertical current from nearby volcanic activity carried the fish towards the surface. Or, a deep-sea predator swallowed ... "It had already done some numbers the first time I posted ...
Diver and baited camera surveys between 2008 and 2023 suggest eastern blue groper numbers halved in shallow water between Taree and Shellharbour. Fish numbers ... reefs in cool deep water and ...
The longest-living creature on earth is the glass sponge, which can live up to 10,000 to 15,000 years. On the other hand, ...
The deep-sea anglerfish, an iconic marvel of the ocean’s mysterious depths, captivates scientists and enthusiasts alike with its eerie luminescent glow. These fish, which inhabit ... deep-sea life has ...