Our critic uncovers rarities and treasures from prominent collections, from uncanny photos and masks to works on paper and ...
The Connecticut museum exhibits stellar drawings from its holdings, spanning centuries and featuring such artists as ...
Abe, who goes by the name of "Nagagutsu o Haita Neko" (Booted cat), worked on a colored pencil sketch of a cat on a piece of B5-sized paper in the two-day live drawing event. He used colored ...
It's a colored-pencil drawing. CJ Hendry ... And that's the one that gets sketched out on paper. She chooses her colors as she goes by referencing the photo. And those colors are the trick ...
He carefully draws the lightly colored eyes on special paper ... drawing so that it can be completed in a week. Some drawings, however, can take longer than six months. Otomi has done colored ...
Southampton Spirit Events - New Programs this month! Winter Deer Painting (in person): Wednesday, Feb. 26 at 5:30 pm. Teens and tweens will create a cute acrylic painting of a winter ...
Felix Scheinberger, an author of six books on the art of urban sketching ... via Alicia Aradilla A pencil and paper is all it takes. Most people pack a sketchbook, but even that is not necessary ...