During World War II, the crew of the Zaida were among the everyday Americans who risked their lives watching out for enemy ...
This now extends to the American national security and intelligence sectors, where that loss of trust is problematic for a country with enduring global responsibilities and interests. For a vocal ...
Bob Fernandez had hoped to attend the 83rd Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day on Saturday. When Bob Fernandez joined the Navy in August 1941, his innocence was forgivable. Only 17, he had grown up in ...
that they don’t forget these men and women who died at Pearl Harbor,” Ted Guthrie said. “I would love Americans to love America like my Uncle Bob did.” Rachel Nostrant is a national and ...
Fernandez planned to return to Pearl Harbor last week to attend an annual commemoration hosted by the Navy and the National Park Service but became too weak to make the trip, Guthrie said.
Hilary Nangle A big reason visitors come to Bar Harbor in the first place is that the town is the gateway to Acadia National Park. The park wraps around Bar Harbor, and even some of its smaller ...
Join former prosecutor Andy McCarthy as he delves into the legal ins and outs of the latest Washington dramas with National Review editor in chief Rich Lowry. Capital Record – your weekly ...
For more than 100 years, the National Park Service has managed millions of acres solely for the "enjoyment, education and inspiration of this and future generations." Today, 63 designated national ...
Simply put, hubris and complacency on the part of Pearl Harbor’s commanding officer, Admiral Husband Edward Kimmel. Though Kimmel received the news of the sinking at 0730L, he decided not to act ...
Fernandez had been planning to return to Pearl Harbor last week to attend an annual commemoration hosted by the Navy and the National Park Service but became too weak to make the trip, Guthrie said.
Our research team assigns Silver ratings to strategies that they have a high conviction will outperform the relevant index, or most peers, over a market cycle on a risk-adjusted basis. The ...