Kotobukiya has opened pre-orders for its upcoming Mega Man Battle Network Bass EXE model kit, which it will release in June 2025.
Remember the Light Cycles in the 1982 film "Tron ... the Carver Cargo is for you. Ride Next To Your Engine In The MEV Atomic Kit cars are another major stomping ground for single-seater designs. If ...
Ford never made an electric vehicle in the 1920s, but battery-powered cars were still around at the time. That’s why ...
This site displays a prototype of a “Web 2.0” version of the daily Federal Register. It is not an official legal edition of the Federal Register, and does not replace the official print version or the ...
I want to reset the dash and get rid of the check engine light. Do all the other functions that the computer controls stay set? A. Disconnecting the battery will clear the check engine light ...
In order to make generative AI “usable” in Hollywood, Mooser and Taldukar argue, major studios, artists filmmakers need an AI model to be clear of the legal complications and ethical harms ...
Application developers who access OpenAI through its long-running API will now have access to the company's latest full o1 model, rather than the months-old o1-preview. The upgrade is one of a ...
However, the company is now moving away from using hydrogen-powered cars. Toyota has decided to develop a new generation of engines that will be more efficient and friendly to the environment. This is ...
This document has been published in the Federal Register. Use the PDF linked in the document sidebar for the official electronic format.
However, if like me, you prefer gaming at your desk, then you’ll be better off picking up the kit, which, in addition to a lightstrip, also comes with two light bars that go on either side of ...
Fortunately, in response, a few anti-theft companies like Latch Lid and Gate Guard, among others, have come up with security kits to help ... the bolts that hold the light into place.