The only thing we can do about the weather is complain about it.” Dan Stewart: “There really are more nice people than mean ones. You just hear about the onery ones more often.” Ferrell Stoutimore: ...
Sly & The Family Stone Last week Weeks at no. 1 Weeks on chart Epic Week of February 22, 1969 click to see more Epic Roulette ...
CLEVELAND, Ohio — If you’ve watched a Progressive Insurance commercial recently, specifically The Backup campaign, you’re not crazy if you noticed a connection between the quarterbacks and ...
Nearly two decades ago, Speciale, then a senior media buyer at MediaVest who negotiated prices and terms for commercial time, approached TV networks with an intriguing idea: Why couldn’t her ...
Oh my god, dude, I still can't believe they left Mr. Popo in the Ford Fusion commercial unedited! A couple of runs of the anime didn't even let that happen! It's wild. Although to be fair ...
The Official UK Singles Chart reflects the UK’s biggest songs of the week, based on audio and video streams, downloads, CDs and vinyl, compiled by the Official Charts Company. The UK Top 40 is ...
He's worked for Daily Racing… As millions of football fans are primed to watch the Kansas City Chiefs and San Francisco 49ers in Super Bowl 58, millions of others eagerly await the Super Bowl ...
With Super Bowl 59 in the books, other than the touchdowns and field action, we wait for the unforgettable one-of-a-kind creativity of the commercials that aired during the game. Here at TPS ...
A Lay's potato chip commercial featuring a St. Johns County farm was the second-most popular commercial during Super Bowl 59, according to USA TODAY voters. "The Little Farmer," which shows a ...
All eyes were on the Eagles and Chiefs — and some very memorable ads from Hellman's, Jeep and Dunkin' — during Super Bowl LIX Alex Apatoff is the Executive Editor of PEOPLE Digital. She has ...
Many Super Bowl commercials went for easy laughs and nostalgia in an effort to stand out to the millions of viewers watching. Ben Affleck brought back the DunKings for Super Bowl LIX, while ...