A town council has decided to give up its licence to hold Staveley’s well-known market – due to costs as well as worries about the impact of a new Staveley Town Deal regeneration scheme.
Beggars, drug addicts, a shoplifter and a man relieving himself in public shocked a family on their walk through Chesterfield town centre.
As a born and bred resident of Chesterfield for ... market does not represent a normal market day. Then he would be able to see for himself the empty shops, stalls and dirty streets.
Last year, Dominion announced plans to build a peaker plant in Chesterfield but has faced opposition from community members and environmental activists who say the plant could stall Virginia ...
Glen Allen-based Century Construction Co. says it is owed $500,000 and wants to force a sale of the sizable indoor farm ...
Canada’s job market unexpectedly took a breather after months of steady growth, but the unemployment rate held steady as fewer people looked for work. Employment was virtually unchanged in ...
Alongside a fantastic range of stalls, we also have artisan traders, a farmers market, and plenty to keep the kids entertained, including inflatables and trampolines." Gates open for traders from ...
City Hall has been accused of a "tick box exercise" by Norwich Market stall holders who feel left out of plans to revamp the landmark. Traders believe the council is wasting its money after a ...
The company remains committed to advocating for the creation of a job market where no worker is left behind. Gi Group UK is headquartered in Chesterfield in the Midlands. The business employs ...