The 13th episode of “Survivor 47” aired Wednesday night, concluding with host Jeff Probst snuffing out the torches of Andy ...
In the 12th episode of the seventh season, Lord John is a bit disgruntled by his friend (and longtime crush) unceremoniously ...
A lot happened throughout Outlander season 7, episode 11. We got to see Brianna in 1980 deal with Roger being away, and we ...
What an episode. As stupid as the "two part Survivor finale" spin is, this penultimate episode of Survivor 47 was great. From ...
Sarah Michelle Gellar talks about the enduring popularity of “Buffy the Vampire Slayer.” (Dec. 11) Sarah Michelle Gellar ...
Usually, the back-from-the-dead homecoming of a story's hero is the stuff of triumphant season finales. But even though an ...