A Reinvestment Fund analysis of 2023 data released through the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act showed racial disparities persist ...
House Republicans are eying a bit of capital beautification — drawing up plans to do away with Black Lives Matter Plaza.
This article uses the category of “Black” in the visible minority variable to establish the counts of the Black populations in Canada and to conduct analysis. The “Black” category includes people who ...
As Black History Month comes to a close, Kansas leaders celebrated the Brown v. Board decision by taking a deeper look at a ...
But many Black families aren't in a position to say that. Recent data from the Kansas City Urban League found that the number ...
It may not solve all the problems, but it may solve some of them if people realize how easy a driver can see house numbers from the street and read them accurately. I recently drove past our old ...
Question: Our condo building currently has three people on the board, but a significant majority of owners would like to increase that number to five. Unfortunately, our bylaws are not clear on ...