After spending 13 years as tenants of generic apartments in San Francisco and New York City, the couple longed for some ...
If you're a fan of the Japandi interior design trend and want to majorly upgrade your space, we have some expert tips and tricks to get you started.
Kathrin Houlihan aka @ScandiandIrish has lived in Ireland since the late 1990s and brings a love of vintage and a passion for ...
If you thought Scandinavian style and Nordic interiors were all white walls, pale floors and minimalism then think again ...
Visitors to Finland will find that the Finns have a way of fighting off cold-season doldrums with coziness: soft lighting, ...
Tour five inspiring homes in Sweden, Norway and Finland, with expert commentary on Scandi style's enduring appeal ...
KICKED OFF with a bang, especially when it comes to design trends. While some are holdovers from previous years, many are not ...
Kamil Wangin, interiors enthusiast and founder of Leeds-based Nordic-inspired interiors store North Home, tells Stephanie ...