SEGOU, Mali - Listeners swayed as the celebrated Malian duo Amadou and Mariam sang from a stage on the banks of the Niger ...
Tens of thousands of people from Mali and elsewhere in the region flock ... when jihadists entered the ancient city. The Rencontres de Bamako photography biennale took place from mid-November ...
Thousands of people from Mali and elsewhere flock to the town of ... report Scientists Discover the Identity of 558-Million-Year-Old Ancient Creature, Solving a Decades-Old Mystery Zelenskyy ...
Listeners swayed as the celebrated Malian duo Amadou and Mariam sang from a stage on the banks of the Niger River at an annual festival coloured this year by political shifts roiling West Africa.
The Fulani’s ancestry links to North and West Africa, the Green Sahara period, and ancient Berber groups, shaped by migration ...
People cannot go to Mali's Dogon region to witness its spectacular ancient culture, so the Dogons brought their dancing, wrestling and architecture to the Sahel nation's capital. The central ...
At a time when Africa is convulsed by various threats and American interests could be at risk, United States influence is in ...
I shall never forget my visit to Mali however long I live. Today, the Asante people still remember their ancient traditions. They hold special ceremonies called durbars. This photograph shows an ...
Renowned South African classical guitarist Derek Gripper will take the stage at the Historic Thomas Center at 7 p.m. Feb. 28.
The Fulani are one of the largest groups of people in Africa, with a population of over 40 million. They live across a vast ...
FILE -Malian army commandos ride in a convoy on a road outside Gao, Mali, July 26, 2013 ... and “coldly executing” at least ...