In tonight's incredible fourth episode, "The Amazon," we traveled to the Amazon rainforest, a hotbed of biological diversity and one of the most iconic, not to mention most beautiful, landscapes on ...
the Amazon Rainforest is home to about 10% of all the known animal species in the world. Imagine a place bustling with diverse life forms ranging from jaguars prowling the forest floor to pink ...
It pales in lushness to the mighty Amazon rainforest ... forest near the town of Bonito. Typically considered a savanna, the Cerrado has many biomes, allowing a wide array of plants and animals ...
Research suggests that a new type of immersive storytelling about nature told through virtual reality (VR) can both build ...
Can a tropical forest mend itself? After trees are cut down and wildlife flees, do microbes on the dank, leafy floor and ...
Located in South America, the Amazon is ... area of tropical rainforest in the country. It covers an area of approximately 1,200 square kilometres and is home to an incredible variety of plant and ...
The Amazon Rainforest is one of the most diverse and vibrant ecosystems ... These inch-long ants inhabit tree trunks and debris on the forest floor. Despite their notorious reputation, they generally ...
Typical Amazon forest view of lianas, large rooted trees and dead leaves: interior of a tropical forest Sun rays passing through the trees, shedding light on three Thismia mirabilis plants on the ...
Surrounded by a lush subtropical rainforest with 99 percent ... it has the best-preserved primeval forest at its latitude and is home to more than 7,000 plant and animal species, including rare ...
Growing up to 8 feet long, these dolphins are found in the Amazon ... the rainforest. The sloth, known for its incredibly slow pace, spends most of its life hanging upside down in the trees. These ...
Beneath Brazil’s Amazon rainforest, one of the planet’s largest potassium reserves is fueling tensions between industrial ...