Meet Mercy, News 13’s Pet Adoption Option of the Week! For more News, Weather, and Sports in Panama City, Florida visit: <a ...
Most people overlook senior dogs in shelters, but adopting one can bring immense joy and companionship. You might find that ...
A loving dog was adopted — then returned to the shelter “without explanation.” Now, more than 100 days after she was ...
Christmas is just around the corner, and there are plenty of events around town to get in the holiday spirit and to do some ...
Here are this week's dogs and cats going on Jersey's Journeys to find their forever homes. All of them are up for adoption at the Humane Society of Southern Arizona.
A New Orleans stray dog famous for making frequent great-escapes has been spotted on the run after locals feared for his life ...
Whoville might not be safe, but one New Jersey animal shelter is ensuring no furry friends are falling victim to the Grinch's schemes this holiday season by offering discounted dog adoptions.
The first three days should offer your new dog space to acclimate. They might be fearful or hesitant, and that's okay. Let ...
Adorable pooch Parker is searching for a new home after being discovered shivering on a bus bench – and he was so underweight ...
Give me Caleb Williams. And I don’t care that he has the worst body language since kids eating spinach. Williams has taken a ...
Abandoned dog Parker was discovered all alone on a bus stop bench – but hopes to secure a new loving home after being taken ...
The holidays are a time of giving, and this Christmas, one special needs cat named Zuko has a whole lot of love to give—if ...