Almighty God, we pray that your grace may assist us in the ... I implore you, Lord Jesus, to daily renew the grace given to me through the imposition of the hands of the Bishop.
Fewer Americans pray daily today than in 2007. Read about how often U.S. adults participate in prayer groups, read scripture ...
This is the prayer to bless all women, to ask for their well-being and that they may always return home safely.
Tucked away in the Tehachapi Mountains of California, a group of cloistered nuns is chasing puppies, making artisanal cheeses ...
Mark Wahlberg sits down with Fox News to describe his relationship with God and how prayer app Hallow helps him connect to ...
Two leaders in the faith sphere shared with Fox News Digital their thoughts about prayer to God and preparation ahead of the Easter holiday as the First Sunday of Lent is celebrated.
Fox News Digital interviewed Hallow CEO Alex Jones and Rev. James T. Bretzke about the top methods people can grow in holiness during the Lenten season.
Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar, is one of the holiest periods in the Islamic faith. Fasting during ...