For biochemists, it's the which-came-first question: oxygen production by photosynthesis or oxygen consumption by aerobic ...
It’s no secret that plants rely on sunlight to survive. Photosynthesis, the process of converting solar energy into food, has ...
In a small manganese oxide cluster, teams from HZB and HU Berlin have discovered a particularly exciting compound: two high-spin manganese centers in two very different oxidation states.
Researchers have investigated the structure and light energy transfer efficiency of a protein complex crucial to the photosynthesis of purple sulfur bacteria thriving in high-salt, high-alkaline ...
Researchers at the University of Tsukuba have reported on the structure and light energy transfer efficiency of a protein complex crucial to the photosynthesis of purple sulfur bacteria thriving in ...
In about a billion years, Earth will lose its oxygen, making it uninhabitable for life forms that depend on oxygen. The ...
Rising temperatures make plants lose more water, weakening their ability to absorb carbon dioxide and survive heat stress.
Researchers have created a solar-powered reactor that collects CO2 by night and turns it into a useful gas by day.
The electrocatalytic reduction of CO 2 involves electron/proton ... While water oxidation is the key reaction in natural and artificial photosynthesis, it is kinetically and thermodynamically ...
University of Cambridge researchers have developed a solar-powered reactor that takes carbon dioxide from the air and ...
Photosynthesis, the process of converting ... The idea of using electricity to power chemical reactions isn’t exactly new. Electrolysis—splitting molecules with an electric current—has ...