Anita Bryan founded Save Our Children, an anti-gay organization that gave rise to the modern-day religious right's strategy of tying homosexuality to perceived threats against children.
In a long campaign of television commercials, she sang “Come to the Florida Sunshine Tree” and offered the tagline: “Breakfast without orange juice is like a day without sunshine.” But her ...
Google tells us that television was first demonstrated by an American inventor named Philo Farnsworth in 1927. Some decades ...
N. A. de S. Amaratunga              It is scientific research that has enabled the world to advance in knowledge and find ...
After serving as President Dwight Eisenhower's right-hand man for eight years, Nixon faced an uphill battle to the presidency ...
Usvatte-aratchi Manmohan Singh, a brilliant economist, distinguished public servant, and remarkable Minister of Finance and ...
The Northern Arizona women's basketball beat Montana, 65-46, at home Thursday in the Walkup Skydome.  Northern Arizona ...
With Georgia Dunn, John ‘Polly’ Farmer, Dan Schrade, Gary Kopervas, Harley Schwadron, Mike Lynch, Peter Arno, Michael Maslin, ...