What should have been a citation for drug paraphernalia gets turned into an outrageous attempt to lock a hapless drug user up ...
The marijuana companies, led by Canna Provisions, are trying to revive a lawsuit that was dismissed earlier this year in federal district court. That lawsuit was thrown out after the judge ruled that ...
A lying Houston narc gets decades in prison for a drug raid that left two innocent civilians dead, a Mississippi cop falls asleep in his squad car with a meth pipe in his hand, and more. In ...
New Hampshire gubernatorial candidates split on marijuana legalization, a Central California county will vote on requiring welfare recipients to undergo drug tests, and more. Medical Marijuana Update ...
The bloody fight between factions of the Sinaloa Cartel now threatens to bring down the governor of the state, and more. The Amazon rain forest in Ecuador. There is coca growing somewhere down there, ...
The Mexican federal government has sent hundreds of troops into the country's lime-producing heartland to help growers fend off drug cartels, and more. TD Bank got caught doing money laundering for ...
The Kamala Harris campaign slams Trump for "brazen flip-flopping" on marijuana after he says he'll vote for Florida initiative, a paired set of Nebraska medical marijuana initiatives has qualified for ...
Arkansas Supreme Court Throws Out Medical Marijuana Expansion Initiative. Although it will appear on the ballot, votes for ...
A Virginia prosecutor turns pot peddler, an Illinois cop gets caught with weed, cash, and testosterone, and more. Let's get to it: In Springfield, Illinois, a former Springfield police officer was ...
An Oregon state law -- ORS 181A.250-- prohibits police from collecting or maintaining information about the political, religious, or social views, and associations or activities of people who are not ...