私たちが真の持続可能性と自然との共生を望むのであれば、経済、社会、環境、ガバナンスの目標がすべて同じ方向に向かう必要がある。地方レベルから国際レベルに至るまで、あらゆる ...
The pursuit of happiness, human development and the environment are intertwined in two profound ways. First, we developed from hunters and gatherers into urbanites during a period of remarkable and ...
I first heard about Alex Epstein’s book The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels via an unsurprisingly fawning review over at the SkeptEco blog. Its premise is so ludicrous that normally I wouldn’t read it, ...
As part of their research within the Sustainable Urban Futures Programme, two United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU-IAS) academics examine the potential role of urban ...
Jared Diamond famously stated that “the biggest problems facing the world today are not at all beyond our control, rather they are all of our own making, and entirely in our power to deal with” when ...
Do you need your cup of coffee every morning, no matter the price? Prepare for a shock: the cost of your caffeine fix is likely to be going up. Changes in climate in key coffee-growing regions are an ...
The 60th anniversary of the first recorded climb to the top of Mt. Everest on 25 May 1953, and Yuichiro Miura’s recent success in summiting the world’s highest peak have once again brought mountain ...
Organized crime has emerged as a major factor that exacerbates state fragility. Criminal networks and activities fuel violent conflict, finance terrorists and militias, and complicate conflict ...
There is a pervasive belief amongst Japanese leaders and decision-makers that climate change will not have a big impact on Japan in the future. They are wrong. That is one reason many were dismayed ...
To some people it might seem like happiness and environment are unrelated, but more decision makers are approaching environmental and economic issues with the goal of improving society’s well-being ...
Most people living in Japan can visualise the landscapes of satoyama and satoumi when they hear these terms. Satoyama and satoumi refer to places close to mountains and sea, respectively, shaped by ...
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are some of the world’s most controversial technologies. Transatlantic disputes arising from the sharp regulatory differences between the two major frameworks — ...