The hyomandibular became an ear ossicle and is known in tetrapods except mammals as the columella. In early vertebrates, jaws articulated at the articular (lower) and quadrate (upper) bones. In early ...
When sound waves hit the eardrum, it vibrates and moves the ossicles, which are the three tiniest most delicate bones in your body. The ossicles move the sound to the inner ear, which sends ...
How do cells forming organs or repairing tissues know when to stop growing? Adhesion receptors act as molecular fingertips that sense the environment and then coordinate behaviors.
WHAT YOU NEED: ruler, pen, cheese and a knife. Image caption, STEP 1: Lay the block of cheese flat. Use a ruler to mark 4 cm on the bottom edge and 3 cm on the side. STEP 3: Use the ruler and make ...