Two friends and I will be doing the CF together beginning in March. Some expenses might be shared (private lodging perhaps) and some will be individual. To avoid having to pay 3 times at the table or ...
A few weeks ago after completing the Camino Portuguese I was scheduled to fly back to the US on Iberia from Madrid. Our departure was delayed numerous times, and I eventually arrived at my destination ...
Earlier this morning I clicked on the link in the now closed thread "Improve the pilgrim experience." I went straght through to the survey form, and to my horror found that my personal gmail address ...
Does anybody know what is happening with Casa Banderas in Vilacha? i have tried contacting them in various ways what can get no reply. Thanks in advance for any help.
I have very recently completed this Camino, starting in Orihuela and ending at Caravaca de la Cruz, a route which I highly recommend. My intention is to write up about the experience and post that on ...
I hope this is the right place to post this, and I apologize if this topic has already been addressed. However, I’ve become increasingly concerned about the safety of some members on this forum. Many ...
Having just returned after completing my camino (Portugese via Porto and central route) I have realised I left my certificates in the hotel. I have contacted them but received no response. Does anyone ...
Hello, we are conducting a completely anonymous study for the faculty with the aim of finding out what the ideal experience is for pilgrims on the Camino de Santiago. The questionnaire takes 2 minutes ...
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I enjoy threads that have a themed topic of pictures, where members can join in with their personal favorites. @David Tallan is in Salamanca and in looking through my own photos of its cathedral, I ...
Is it possible to contact a contributor by email or whats app (or by mobile as we both live in Australia). I am planning another Camino in 2026 and am interested in the Torres and would like to ...