Interspersed among these pink regions are bright blue clusters of hot, young stars whose ultraviolet radiation has blown away the surrounding gas. At the galaxy's core, a yellow central bulge is ...
The Firefly Sparkle Galaxy is the first Milky Way-sized galaxy to ever be found while still in the process of forming.
But the state-of-the-art space observatory has recently imaged two grand design spiral galaxies, and one appears to be the ...
Bright-blue stars define the galaxy's spiral arms, along with lacy reddish-brown dust clouds and pink star-forming regions. As fascinating as the galaxy appears at visible wavelengths, some of NGC ...
The extraordinary images -- taken with NASA's James Webb Space Telescope -- show a galaxy that glitters with 10 distinct star clusters that formed at different times, much like our own Milky Way.
Dwarf irregular galaxy, UGC 8091: The dwarf galaxy is approximately 7 million light-years from Earth in the constellation ...