South Africa, Poaching and black rhino

Both accused were convicted in September last year, on charges falling under the National Environmental Management: ...
Najin and her daughter Fatu are the only northern white rhinos left on Earth. The clock is ticking before they become the latest in a long line of animals that humans have poached to extinction.
Last two northern white rhinos live under protection in Kenya Tourists visit Ol Pejeta to witness this conservation milestone Scientific efforts underway to revive species through IVF At Ol Pejeta ...
More than a thousand rhinos were dehorned in this park last year to make them less desirable targets for poaching syndicates. Releasing the latest rhino poaching statistics yesterday (6 March ...
Najin and her daughter Fatu are the only northern white rhinos left on Earth. The clock is ticking before they become the latest in a long line of animals that humans have poached to extinction.