On Dec. 6, 1884 — 36 years after construction had begun — the 3,300-pound aluminum capstone was placed atop the obelisk, making the Washington Monument, at 555 feet, the world’s tallest ...
In 1833, the Washington National Monument Society formed to raise funds. Architect Robert Mills was chosen to design an ...
were standing in front of the looming Washington Monument obelisk, but were only there to take in the sights, before heading indoors to watch the inauguration on television. Law enforcement ...
The Washington Monument L’Enfant’s initial framework ... That year, the proud country celebrated the awe-inspiring obelisk as the tallest structure in the world. The Lincoln Memorial At ...
were standing outside the looming Washington Monument obelisk, but were only there to take in the sights before heading indoors to watch the inauguration on television. Despite their shift in ...