99 "Waiting for Godot" by Samuel Beckett "Waiting for Godot" is among the best books for retirees because it's about waiting for someone who never arrives. The discourse on waiting can be quite ...
Gogo and Didi, the heroes of Waiting for Godot, are Beckett's symbols of the twentieth century man; they are former hoboes, now burns, who dress in the loose fitting and shabby formal clothes of ...
BOOKS: What are some of the books that have ... When the pandemic started we lit a fire and I cast my kids in “Waiting for Godot.” We did a reading, and that was so fun. No sooner did I ...
What Is the Story of Waiting For Godot? Samuel Beckett’s classic tells the story of Vladimir (Didi) and Estragon (Gogo), two wanderers who meet at a tree in the middle of nowhere to wait for the ...