In the original 1989 animated film, Ursula acts as the main antagonist. Portrayed by Pat Carroll, she plays a major role in the story by tricking Ariel and transforming her into a human.
"Poor Unfortunate Souls" is modified to remove a section where Ursula tells Ariel about how in the human world it's "much preferred for ladies not to say a word." The lyrics of "Kiss the Girl" are ...
So, I was theirs hook, line and sinker." The scheming Ursula offers mermaid princess Ariel the temporary chance to become human, to try and win the heart of the man she loves - but she has to give ...
Ariel’s fascination with the human world often leads her to the sea ... Ariel runs away and strikes a deal with Ursula, Triton’s evil witch of a sister, to experience the life she dreams ...