Victims who did not die during these experiments were killed to allow the experimenters to perform autopsies. To determine if people had any natural immunities to tuberculosis, and to develop a ...
EVERYTHING that has a direct bearing on the prevention of tuberculosis, everything that has changed mankind's attitude toward it, we owe to animal experimentation. In my own experience animal ...
Tuberculosis lives and thrives in the lungs. When the bacteria that cause the disease are coughed into the air, they are ...
tuberculosis growing in a microfluidics device ... 336 h when drug-free medium was introduced for the remainder of the experiment. Note the disappearance of GFP-labeled bacilli due to lysis ...
The mass manufacture of penicillin during World War II stimulated urgent interest in other medicinally important soil microorganisms. Selman Waksman, chair of microbiology at the New Jersey ...