With spring temperatures in Southeast Texas, it's time to acclimate houseplants to the outdoors, ensuring they are protected ...
While ill-suited for a bedroom, their love of humidity makes large-leaved tropical houseplants some of the best bathroom plant ideas. If you want a statement houseplant for the bedroom ...
Use all-purpose fertilizer for houseplants to feed your peperomia, but dilute it since these plants don’t need a lot of ...
Logee’s Greenhouses is a renowned source for fruiting, flowering, rare, and tropical plants for plant lovers throughout the United States. DANIELSON, CT, UNITED STATES, January 29, 2025 ...
He explains that even a chilly walk from the store to your car can damage tropical houseplants, and so can letting their leaves touch old, uninsulated, cold windows. Is the bathroom the best place ...
A: It sounds like there’s some rotting or something happening in that root ball. Get a tarp or a blanket, tip your plant on its side and pull it out of the pot. Healthy roots will not fall apart if ...
With oversized heart-shaped leaves resembling elephant ears, this tropical beauty is perfect for bringing tropical charm into ...
Image Growing not as houseplants but in the ground on prominent public display, Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden has more than 200 Sansevieria, representing 46 species, including S. grandis ...
In Fielding Questions, readers also asked about buying and growing Norland potatoes as well as dusting houseplants.
Alocasia 'Variegated Frydek' is a new and rare hybrid with beautiful dark green and white leaves. Logee’s Greenhouses is a renowned source for fruiting, flowering, rare, and tropical plants for ...