Toy Story is a CGI animated media franchise created by Pixar and distributed by Walt Disney Pictures. The franchise is based on the anthropomorphic concept that all toys, unknown to humans ...
Pixar forever changed animation in 1995 with "Toy Story ... More on lighting characters and fully clothing them later. When "Toy Story 2" came around in 1999, they'd had some time to work ...
Pixar’s biggest and most popular franchise is Toy Story, and thanks to its confirmed expansion, its most controversial movie ...
Since more modelers could build garments, Pixar's artists could dress over 300 animated characters for "Toy Story 3," compared to the 76 in the first movie. The filmmakers behind "Cars 2 ...
Despite failing to match more enthusiastic box office predictions, Toy Story 4 ranks as the fourth-biggest US opening for an animated movie behind Incredibles 2, Finding Dory and Shrek the Third.
Then Pixar came along to give the behemoth a run for its money, beginning with the 1995 release of "Toy Story," the world's first computer-animated film ... of "Inside Out 2" this month ...