Seymour has responded to the incident. "I don't claim to be an expert in tikanga, but usually you are meant to be a good host to your manuhiri, your guests, and I think one or two students failed ...
Called 'paraikete whero' (red blankets), a group of wāhine including Goulton adopted the idea as a symbol of resistance. They started stitching 15 years ago at the Waitangi Treaty hearing in ...
A Māori architect presents how tikanga Māori integrates into contemporary design ethics. Next week, Auckland Design Week ...
Ka tīmata te ako i ngā whakamārama me ngā tukanga o te akoako pāngarau ki tā te Māori titiro, ki tā te Pākehā titiro, me tōna whakamahinga ki te reo Māori. An introduction to the processes of numeracy ...
The module focused on Māori culture, language and the Treaty of Waitangi and was made compulsory for all real estate agents, branch managers and salespeople in 2023. Agents who d ...
A real estate agent who refused to take a compulsory Tikanga Māori course now faces a five-year ban after a failed court bid. The High Court's turned down Janet Dickson's request for a judicial ...
The Supreme Court of New Zealand has denied former lawyer Davina Reid’s latest attempt to be reinstated as a barrister and ...
This is a fallacy that misinterprets tikanga Māori as simple when it is actually complex and nuanced. The power that wāhine have on marae was evident in today's events. It was the women who had ...
Ka āta rangahau i te mātauranga pāngarau me ngā ariā pāngarau me te āta aro ki te tika o te whakaako i te pāngarau i ngā ako Māori. Advanced study of mathematical concepts and pedagogical content ...