"The Greatest Showman" director Michael Gracey is helming the project. "Tangled" is getting the live-action treatment. Disney is working on an adaptation of the 2010 animated film centered on ...
Disney is adding ‘Tangled’ to its animated-to-live-action conversion catalogue. ‘The Greatest Showman’ director Michael Gracey is in talks to handle the movie. Jennifer Kaytin Robinson is ...
Based on the Brothers Grimm fairy tale about Rapunzel, the original Tangled focuses on the long-haired character (Moore), who has spent her life trapped in a tower until she hatches a plan with a ...
It doesn't look like Disney is moving away from its live-action remakes any time soon, with Tangled being the latest film set to get the treatment. More like this How Disney's ''story trust ...
“Tangled” is the latest Disney movie to get the live-action treatment. The studio is developing a reimagining of the 2010 animated movie, a musical take on the Brothers Grimm story about the ...
The Disney live-action remake machine chugs along mercilessly, with 2010’s “Tangled” the next animated classic to get reimagined. Michael Gracey, who made “The Greatest Showman” and this ...