There was no venous pulsation in the neck, indicating the likely occlusion of the jugular veins. These signs were consistent with superior vena cava (SVC) syndrome. Precordial examination was ...
into the dilated left renal vein (arrowhead) and the normal right inferior vena cava (open arrowhead). The embryologically paired superior cardinal veins normally form the SVC on the right and the ...
It is the lower, or inferior, part of the vena cava—a large vein also made up of the superior vena cava that carries blood from the head, neck, arms, and chest in the upper body to the heart.
Ligation of the access vein can cause a central extension of the thrombus from the cephalic vein to deeper large veins. [9] Endothelial disruption caused by repeated trauma from the leads is ...