The Straw Hat Pirates form the core of One Piece, led by the protagonist, Luffy. After starting out on his journey from the ...
Fans believe a Straw Hat Crew member will die in One Piece's Final Saga, with Zoro being a prime candidate. Zoro's past ...
It's been 22 years since these characters last saw each other. In One Piece, they finally had a touching reunion that brought ...
While One Piece fans are sure that Law will sacrifice himself for Luffy, it might actually be a Straw Hat who will gladly ...
The Straw Hat pirates have been the antithesis of the Blackbeard crew, partly due to their initial rivalry in chapter 223. Although not much about Blackbeard was known during that time ...
Charlotte Katakuri may have looked like a villain in One Piece but his actions makes him worthy of joining Luffy and the ...
Luffy’s patented straw hat, which obviously gave Luffy’s crew their name as the Straw Hat Pirates. In creating the Grand Line, the streaming service had to make quite a few versions of Luffy ...