Based on a novel by Shusaku Endo and a 1971 film by Masahiro Shinoda, Silence could easily have been titled “Quest,” but Scorsese’s stress on the noncommunication between man and God gives ...
A dense fog covers many of the early scenes of 17th-century Japan in Martin Scorsese’s Silence, the film adaptation of Japanese Catholic Shusaku Endo’s novel of the same name, which the ...
But Scorsese has also tackled religious ideas more explicitly, most recently with Silence, which explored the nature of ...
Scorsese has been on a creative roll for the last decade, making an irreverent black comedy about unencumbered greed ("The Wolf of Wall Street"), a passion project about faith and doubt ("Silence ...
Around 2012, Cecchi Gori Pictures was awarded rights to "Silence" by the courts. But Scorsese had already committed to making "The Departed," "Shutter Island," and "Hugo." Cecchi Gori sued the ...