On microcontroller systems like the STM32, interrupts are even more important, as this is what allows an MCU to respond in hard real-time to an (external) event. Especially in something like an ...
RS485 is a communication standard that should be part of the advanced hardware hacker’s arsenal; it’s not commonly encountered, but powerful exactly when you need it. It’s a physical layer ...
For example, UART, CAN (Controller Area Network), and RS-485. We have FreeRTOS with STM32 ecosystem packages (Hardware Abstraction Layer and other libraries). We have created a separate FreeRTOS task ...
As an intern, you will have the opportunity to work on exciting projects involving Embedded Systems, Arduino, C Programming, ...
Shares of ITC are in news on Thursday after the FMCG firm said ITC Infotech India, a subsidiary of the company, has acquired 100% shares of Blazeclan Technologies for Rs 485 crore. Consequently ...