Robot Gladiator League is an innovative, high school team sport in Kentucky that combines engineering with combat robotics.
This is the amusing moment a robot football player slipped - just like ... is considered one of the most iconic moments in Premier League history. The slip allowed Demba Ba to score, ultimately ...
Los Angeles Chargers’ QB Justin Herbert is, in a few words, a football robot. If you want to teach elite processing and timing at the position, you watch No. 10 for LA. He’s long been one of ...
The founders of MegaBots, Gui Cavalcanti and Matt Oehrlein had that same dream, which lead them to create the first mech robot built in America. However, they weren't the first group to built a ...
Hi, I'm Sam. Hi, I'm Saffia. We've come to Plymouth Universityto meet their robot football team. Come on, guys! One, two, three, go! Today, it's people versus machines.Sam and Saffia are usinggame ...