Techniques for blood collection from the rat include puncture of the heart, retro-orbital plexus, jugular vein, saphenous vein, tail blood vessels, carotid artery, abdominal aorta, and vena cava.
As a general rule I would say that bleeds are done preferentially by saphenous vein in mice, by jugular vein in rats" (Moreau). "I have used jugular veins as well. It's a good approach if a relatively ...
The rats self-administered heroin directly into their jugular veins by pressing a lever. Similarly, they received access to alcohol or saccharin solutions. One dose of heroin amounted to 40 μg/50 ...
The domestic ferret, though not as common a laboratory animal as the rat or mouse ... The external and internal jugular veins are joined by the subclavian vein, which enters the right atrium ...