While they are common in pet stores, some rare varieties ... make it a delightful addition to any aquarium. The Harlequin ...
But no fish is more rare and valuable than the ... the Asian arowana is one of the most expensive aquarium species sold in the pet trade. It is a freshwater fish that has people paying in ...
The giant freshwater stingray may be the ... The rays have also been targeted for the burgeoning aquarium trade, though it is now illegal to fish for stingrays in Thailand.
Betta, or Siamese fighting, fish are among "the most popular freshwater aquarium fish in the world," PetMD reports. Native to southeast Asia, this species is known for its range of vibrant ...
Freshwater pearl mussels are being bred as part ... "Adult mussels are brought into the hatchery in June and settled into a fish tank in a gravel basket," said Dr Taylor. "In August the mussels ...
Six critically endangered Mekong giant catfish — one of the largest and rarest freshwater fish in the world — were caught and ...