In the sections of the kidney lesions studied, as well as in all the cases that have come under study at these laboratories, no recognizable chronic or healed papillary necrosis has been encountered.
Papillary breast lesions, particularly intraductal papillomas (IDPs), are common findings in breast biopsies. These lesions can be benign or atypical, and their management often involves a ...
The cellular composition of a specific lesion can be determined, sometimes beyond its morphological appearance, as in the case of the papillary tumor identified. The molecular mechanisms of lesion ...
The differential diagnoses for CRCC include RCC with cystic change, hereditary leiomyomatosis manifesting as a cystic renal lesion, cystic nephroma, clear cell papillary RCC, and other cystic ...
often causing jaundice, pruritus and weight loss. The lesion may be papillary or flat and ulcerated. The tumour is often unresectable at diagnosis.