[Photo: Reuters] The Oromo, Ethiopia’s largest ethnic group, have long complained of their exclusion from political power. Many welcomed the 2018 appointment of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed but now ...
Gada is a traditional system of governance of the Oromo people in Ethiopia developed from knowledge gained over generations. It regulates political, economic, social and religious activity serving as ...
However, the claim that Oromo opposition parties held peace talks with the ruling Prosperity Party in Addis Ababa is false.
Is Belle Gibson still part of the Ethiopian Oromo community? The bizarre update that isn't included in Netflix's Apple Cider Vinegar. Thankfully, the docuseries The Search For Instagram's Worst ...
The Ethiopian government is killing my people so I stand with all protests anywhere as Oromo is my tribe. My relatives are in prison and if they talk about democratic rights they are killed.
Since 2020, violence in Western Oromia--particularly in the East Wollega and Horo Guduru Wollega zones--has destabilized the region, displacing hundreds of thousands, claiming thousands of lives, and ...
“The militia group has taken advantage of close family and cultural ties between the Borana in Kenya and Oromo of Ethiopia to infiltrate and hide among the populations in Marsabit and Isiolo ...