Publishing open access means that you can contribute to a world where there are no barriers to important research. We believe that everyone deserves to benefit from new discoveries, no matter how big ...
Publishing open access helps to advance discovery by allowing anyone, anywhere in the world with internet access to find, access, and benefit from your research. Open access plays an important part in ...
PeerJ has announced the launch of PeerJ Open Advances in Plant Science, a new Open Access journal dedicated to publishing ...
If you work in a university, you are almost certain to have heard the term 'open access' in the past couple of years. You may also have heard either that it is the utopian answer to all the problems ...
Welcome to Smithsonian Open Access, where you can explore and reuse millions of digital items from the Smithsonian’s collections (2.8 million at February 2020 launch). We have released these images ...
Welcome to Smithsonian Open Access, where you can download, share, and reuse millions of the Smithsonian’s images—right now, without asking. With new platforms and tools, you have easier access to ...
Yes. Choosing to publish open access is easy and straightforward – and it is possible in every Royal Society of Chemistry journal. It refers to the free, permanent, and unrestricted online access to ...
Open access means the immediate, online, free availability of digital objects; in academic research environments, such as universities and research organisations, this relates mostly to scholarly ...