Families have until Dec. 27 to accept or decline their award offer for this school year. Here’s how to take action.
She’s among the students who are attending a private school under North Carolina’s Opportunity Scholarship program. Ethan Hyman ehyman@newsobserver.com The Opportunity Scholarship program has ...
The Next NC Scholarship covers tuition and fees at any North Carolina community college for students from families making $80 ...
The state has expanded funding for more students like Copersito to get an Opportunity Scholarship to attend a private school ...
A controversial school voucher bill is now law. Critics believe the bill benefits wealthy families at the expense of ...
“North Carolina is one of the weakest states in terms of regulating private schools. And that hasn't changed,” Wettach said. Schools that receive Opportunity Scholarships don’t require ...
Observer readers comment on private school vouchers, police appreciation, Charlotte’s airport, an overtime editorial, migrant ...
"This is a budget-busting expense that more than doubles the already significant voucher program in North Carolina." The Opportunity Scholarship program began nearly a decade ago and benefitted ...
housed at the North Carolina Collaboratory. The office would be tasked with researching education policies, including setting a testing standard for the Opportunity Scholarship program.