Superliminal Advertising!) either have a chip capable of USB or rely on a V-USB implementation, the old fogies of the Arduino world, the Uno and Mega, actually have two chips. An ATMega16u2 takes ...
The Arduino Uno (and Mega) communicate to your computer through a separate ATmega8U2 microcontroller. Simply by uploading new firmware with the Arduino Device Firmware Upgrade, it’s easy to ...
In contrast, when the room is well-lit, say during the day, the bulb is kept off. Aside from the Arduino UNO microcontroller, LDR, and the bulb itself, the hardware for this setup is pretty minimal: a ...
To develop an IoT device, one must communicate with a microcontroller using a programming language such as C or C++. An ...
This mobile application is developed in Unity. This mobile application retrieves data from Google Realtime Database. The 3D ...
This project aims to create an adaptive musical instrument that allows physically challenged individuals to express their ...
But what about using an SBC like the Raspberry Pi to build codes for your Arduino boards? As luck would have it, its entirely possible to do so, and this article will help you cre ...
Arduino announcing a single-pair Ethernet adapter board, Infineon's quarterly results, the latest news roundup from ...