He would have loved to work on this," said Pavel. Pavel said the car is a hit with kids, Mad Max fans, and even some celebrities. "One of the actors from Guardians of the Galaxy, his cousin drove ...
Talks of the twisted metal and high octane vehicles that would populate "Mad Max: Fury Road" began when director George Miller showed production designer Colin Gibson three walls filled with ...
EXCLUSIVE! Anya Taylor-Joy and Chris Hemsworth share some of their favorite vehicles from their upcoming movie, Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga. Here's an exclusive look at how the cars were created.
Drivers of the Apocalypse gameplay, with off-roading vehicles in what looks like a lot of Mad Max style environments These vehicles are decidedly makeshift, crudely affixed with cannons and ...
Carmaker Ineos and a series of Australian aftermarket companies created a one-off show version of the Grenadier Quartermaster ...